The Sunday Song Poem #7 ‘Gretchen’s New Dish (original)’ Dick Kent

‘Gretchen’s New Dish’ is no opus, but like any great work of art, demands of you an engagement, a participation, there is within contained a world to be discovered beyond Dick Kent’s frenzied attempts to dab in the backdrop with his theatrical channeling of a benevolent Bavarian. When first I heard ‘Gretchen’s New Dish’, I was transfixed. When it ended, I put it on again. Sometimes, I would listen to it multiple times. I’d play it for friends, hunched up and grinning, arms squeezed tightly to my sides, index fingers playing air piano. They’d look at me like I’d just masturbated on their wedding cake.

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The Sunday Song Poem

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The Sunday Song Poem #3 Dick Kent ‘Octopus Woman Please Let Me Go’ The inimitable Dick Kent corroborates this Song Poet’s testimony of the hour of Glass Beach’s retribution, of how on this fateful day, Mother Nature rose from the murky depths, tentacles flailing, to give Man what-for, his transgressions against her paid-back eight-fold. “Many galore”. Or perhaps we’re just, you know, bearing witness to the unsung progenitor of tentacle porn… – See more at: